DAS Indoor and Outdoor

Our certified team evaluates your location, designs and implements the best solutions possible.

Dead or weak spots in your Building?

CELLWORX © provides great signal throughout, for all major cell providers: Verizon, AT&T, Sprint, Rogers, Bell, Telus, Fido, Virgin, Koodo, etc. We'll distribute reliable cell service throughout your building, even basement or sub-basement levels

Emergency Services communication for public safety

In emergencies, wireless communication for first responders, fire and police is essential. National and international mandates require that emergency service communications are accessible throughout buildings. We can assure that these requirements are fulfilled.

Latest News

• LTE subscriptions crossed the one billion barrier in the last quarter of 2015
• By the end of 2014, there were expected to be 59.6 million VoLTE subscriptions in place, and it is expected that nearly 56% of LTE-related cellular subscriptions will be using VoLTE services by the end of 2019.
• Active VoLTE Connections to Exceed 1 Billion by 2018, as Mobile Operator Roll-outs Intensify - Juniper Research
• More than 50% of all Landline subscribers have switched to cellular

Green building materials

Modern buildings are constructed with modern energy-efficient materials.
Insulative glass, concrete and steel, block cellular signal just as they block heat loss.
CELLWORX © DAS compensates and distributes cell signal inside and underground, beyond these barriers.

We’ll deliver at a reasonable price and without delay!

Typically, you could expect a 12 month delay from your cellular provider. They could require a year to approve your design/launch, typically excluding access for their competitors (Exclusively for their own service). Cellworx provides Carrier-Neutral service including all the major carriers, opening clear communications for all.
Latest News

LTE subscriptions crossed the one billion barrier in the last quarter of 2015
By the end of 2014, there were expected to be 59.6 million VoLTE subscriptions in place, and it is expected that nearly 56% of LTE-related cellular subscriptions will be using VoLTE services by the end of 2019.
Active VoLTE Connections to Exceed 1 Billion by 2018, as Mobile Operator Roll-outs Intensify – Juniper Research
More than 50% of all Landline subscribers have switched to cellular.

Passive and Active DAS
Indoor and Outdoor Solutions

Quick and Cost-Effective solutions

Increase the value of your property. If your tenants have no service, or just one bar, dead spots below the first floor or above the 20th, Cellworx will deliver 5 bars throughout. Whether you’re below ground at sub-level 4, or on the 19th floor out of range, Cellworx will distribute 5 bars throughout your entire building. In addition, we’ll fill your space with 4G Internet, text, and WiFi, wherever you want it!